by | May 22, 2017 | Training Room

One of the toughest and most skill-orientated sports in America is hockey. With eagle level hand-eye-coordination, gymnast-type balance, and the brutish build of a NFL linebacker, professional hockey players are some of the most talented athletes in professional sports. However, every hockey player is not as big or as strong as a professional. Some hockey ...
by | May 22, 2017 | Training Room

It all began on March 3, 1983. That was when Darcy Rota, a left-winger and first-round draft choice of the Chicago Black Hawks later traded to the Vancouver Canucks by Atlanta, was referred to me with a neck injury and exacerbating cervicogenic headaches.
I was a Canucks season ticket holder at the time and ...
by | May 22, 2017 | Training Room

Chiropractic techniques are proving to be effective in treating sports injuries. Former NHLer Gary Roberts would agree.
Gary Roberts monitors a client enrolled in his program at the Fitness Institute in North York.
After almost a decade playing in the National Hockey League, Gary Roberts feared that his days as a professional athlete were finished.
Thirty years old ...
by | May 22, 2017 | Training Room

Sidney Crosby's recovery is back in the hands of Canadian-born chiropractor Ted Carrick.
The Pittsburgh Penguins announced Monday their captain will meet with Carrick this week. Crosby was treated by the founder of chiropractic neurology in August and credited him with helping accelerate his return from a concussion earlier this season.
Crosby last played for the Penguins ...
by | May 22, 2017 | Training Room

When National Hockey League (NHL) superstar Sidney Crosby suffered two concussions within days of one another, he looked for help from his chiropractor, Dr. Ted Carrick, a Chiropractic Neurologist who treats Crosby and many other players in the NHL and NFL. Carrick says, “In professional hockey alone, there are more than 50,000 hits annually, and ...