Chiropractic techniques are proving to be effective in treating sports injuries. Former NHLer Gary Roberts would agree.

Gary Roberts monitors a client enrolled in his program at the Fitness Institute in North York.
After almost a decade playing in the National Hockey League, Gary Roberts feared that his days as a professional athlete were finished.

Thirty years old at the time and a left winger for the Calgary Flames, Roberts suffered a neck injury that left him with severe nerve damage and numbness in his arms. Repeated surgeries and rehab had little effect.

“I couldn’t hold a steak knife to cut my food,” he recalls. “My career was over. I was a pretty lost soul.”

But then, after a visit to a sports chiropractor in 1996 to relieve stress and reduce scar tissue in his upper spine and neck, Roberts regained his strength and mobility. He returned to the ice to play professional hockey for another 13 years.

This excerpt has been shared from an article originally published on Please click here to read the full article.

Professional Hockey Chiropractic Society